Kevin, with his wife Alison, upon receiving his award.
Congratulations to our company president, Kevin Hancock, for being honored with the Charlie and Leisa Crane Spirit of Humanity Award. This award is in recognition of Kevin’s outstanding commitment and leadership in furthering the mission of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland.
Kevin was the keynote speaker at Habitat’s Raise the Roof Gala on Nov. 18th, where he spoke to a wonderful room full of volunteers, homeowners and supporters of Habitat for Humanity. In his talk, Kevin talked about his recent journeys to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and the lessons he learned there and shared in his first published book, NOT FOR SALE: Finding Center in the Land of Crazy Horse.
We are so proud of Kevin for being recognized by this amazing organization. Most importantly, however, we feel honored to have his leadership and inspiring journey as a guide for our daily work and the Hancock Lumber brand. Team Hancock is a great place to work and a great place to do business!
If you are interested in learning more about Kevin Hancock’s first published book or purchasing your own autographed copy, you can visit his website at: The Business of Shared Leadership.