Yard Pro
Location: Casco

Ryan joined the team in October 2022 and, in just one year, has proven himself to be a worthy recipient of this distinction. Ryan moved from Long Island with lumber and building materials experience, however, he’s brought so much more along with that! Ryan demonstrates what it takes to be a true Hancock Lumber brand ambassador. Not only does he maintain a positive attitude and have a great work ethic, he also goes above and beyond, demonstrating pride in his work and taking initiative to ensure progress is being made. One of Ryan’s best attributes is that he does a great job communicating and is willing to share ideas and processes he feels could be beneficial. Ryan is typically the first to respond to radio calls, always willing to help customers and his fellow teammates. No matter the task, you can always count on his positivity and comedic personality—he is the type of person who just makes you smile and feel better. And, customers rave about Ryan, sending compliments every week saying how helpful and knowledgeable he is. Safe, positive, reliable, hardworking, dedicated, respectful, and a true teammate, Ryan exhibits all the qualities you want in an employee. Thank you, and congratulations!